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The all new Truegolf Caddy HUD works with your core Truegolf VGS system to provide more visibility into your game.
Think of the Virtual Golf Caddy HUD as your hole-by-hole guide offering you detailed information on each hole such as the distance to the tee, your wind information, distance to your ball and a quick way to get to your favorite courses.
It also provides an alignment tool to accurately set up your shots even when the hole is not visible while you aim.
Our primary goal in making the VGS Caddy HUD was to make an easy to use, intuitive system to give you more information on your game.
Your VGS Caddy is automated and has each course mapped much like a GPS tracker. You need only select the course and which part of the course you plan to play. Each hole and each shot will be tracked with or without using a scorecard. It will tell you how far you are from your ball and how far you are from the hole. These are indicated automatically in the Text Window at the bottom of the HUD.
The action button is the core feature of your hud and will point you in the direction of the hole. Keep in mind, this does not point you to your ball or where you shoot next, that is up to you however, you will never guess where the hole is.
The Aiming Line creates a direct line from your ball to the hole. It does not aim your ball, that you must do on your own while also accounting for wind.
In the end, the Caddy HUD is a tool, not a solution. It will not lower your score or show you how to play each hole, that is entirely up to you. However, what it will do is give your direct feedback and provide real time analytics on your game that you can then use to improve. It will be up to you how you use this tool and will vary from player to player. We suggest you join the Truegolf Group in game to share information on how you use this tool while hearing how others have used it to improve their game.
PREVIOUS: Sets your HUD to the previous hole you were on.
CURRENT: Sets your HUD to the current hole are on.
NEXT: Sets your HUD to the next hole you in your hole order.
FULL 18: Select this for full round. It will start your round at hole 1 and end at hole 18.
FRONT 9: Select this for a half round starting at the 1st hole and ending at the 9th.
BACK 9: Starts at hole 10 and ends at hole 18.
DISTANCE TO BALL: Post the distance to your ball in the text box.
CHANGE SCORE: Best used for practice rounds when you take mulligans. It does not impact your scorecard.
COURSES: Every course of 9 holes or more is listed hole by hole and mapped in the system.
TELEPORTS: A quick and easy way to get to the course you want to play.
WIND: This will toggle your wind indicator which appears below your text window. Works with SL wind as well as the Truegolf B-Wind System. Wind is measure with the Caddy HUD and on your ball directional in the VGS HUD in Meters Per Second.
To convert MPS to Miles per hour (MPH) multiply that number by 2.23694 meaning 1 m/s is approximately equal to 2.23694 mph.
The first number is the wind speed as is represented in your Golf Hud as it is directional.
The second number is the front to back as you are standing and...
the third number is the side to side as you are standing.
ACTION: Perhaps the most important button on your hud. This points to flag you on the hole you are playing. It will track to the hole regardless of that day's pin placement. Using your alignment line, it will show you the precise line to that flag.
TEXT WINDOW: Gives you real time feedback on what is going on with your game.
Text codes - dH means the delta height or the relative height from the golfer to the hole. -3.0 would mean the hole is below you. +3.0 would mean the hole is above you. Adjust your club selection and power based on this differential.
Chelsea's Story
When Poppy first brought up her caddy hud and offered me one, I was a little reluctant at first. I loved the features and what it did but really didn't get how it would improve my game.
It took me a few rounds using it to see the value and it did help a lot with seeing where I was in relationship to the ball and to each hole. It did not take long before I noticed a fast improvement in my game. Even when not wearing the caddy, I had a better understanding of the clubs I needed to use and how to play each hole.
I rarely get eagles and almost never get hole in ones. But given the aim line and accurate distance, I started getting more and more.
We even use it for course design and mapping for hole signs as well as distance markers as well.
I was so impressed, I asked her to move it over to the Truegolf line and she agreed. I am very happy we have this now as a tool to improve the game and we will always strive to improve.